
Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Girl Nursery: Room Reveal #1

My sweet husband and I have been tackling several projects around the house and we finally have a room that is complete...well, mostly. I'm the type of person who always has something I could change or add to a room.

Several rooms have just a few things left before I show them on the blog so one by one I will be doing a Room Reveal series of our progress.

First up is our sweet girl's nursery. She may be 3 1/2 months old but by golly I'm just glad we finished it before her first birthday :)

This post will have just the reveal photos and then I will be back with a detail & source post soon.

Here she is!

How about a little Before and After, shall we?

This is how the room looked when we moved in...


And After!

Geez, sometimes I wish it was as easy as a click of the mouse to have a Before & After room. But that's all part of the fun. We worked hard in here and it paid off. I just love it so much and I hope our sweet girl does too!

Here's a few more!

A follow-up post to come soon with details of her space. Stay tuned!

Linking up here!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Refinished Dresser

Good, I kept my word. I'm back with another post and it's not three months later :)

I knew I wanted to find baby girl an antique dresser as soon as we bought her crib. We lucked up and located a crib on Craigslist. Now here me out on this one. We didn't buy some nasty old bed for our precious little angel to sleep in. We browsed the baby furniture shops and the beds we liked were of course way too expensive for us. So after a day of window shopping, I decided to try Craigslist for this particular bed we liked - and there was one! It's this Bratt Decor Venetian Crib in antique white (I will have photos of it soon when I show her completed room). We went and checked it out first and the family was super sweet and their little girl had only used it for a year. We met her too and she was a doll. Anyway, they had the bed all set up and we looked it over really well and it was very sturdy and there was not a scratch to be found. And one of the pluses of a cast iron crib, no bite marks either. So anyway, we took it off their hands for half of the retail cost. Cha-ching!

But more on the crib later. Wasn't this post supposed to be about a dresser?

The search was on for an antique dresser that would compliment her crib. We looked at a few antique shops that had a few pieces already refinished but none that I really loved. Not to mention I could not find one that was the color I wanted and since the price of refinished furniture is already higher, I didn't want to put too much cost into something that I was going to change anyway.

After a trip to a local flea market (Gardendale Flea Market for anyone in Birmingham), I found this dresser sitting with a $100 price tag. Pardon the iphone pic.

I looked it over really well and it was in great shape. The drawers slid out nicely too. That's always something to check when looking at older pieces. I decided to see if I could get it for any less so the nice people at the flea market put in a call to the vendor and he said $85 was the best he could do - sold.  I thought it was a great deal for such a heavy, nice piece. It just needed a little love in the looks department.

We bought this while we were staying at my parents house during the interim of moving out of our old house and before finding our new one so it sat for a bit. Once we moved in the new house and settled down some it was time to waddle my pregnant self out to the garage to work on this baby. 

First thing was to remove all the drawers and hardware. 

My plan was to sand down the top portion and restain it and then paint the remaining portion an antique white to match the crib. The previous owners of our house left several cans of leftover paint and stain and wouldn't you know they left the color stain I wanted for this - Minwax Dark Walnut. Since that part was taken care of it was off to Lowe's to buy paint. I simply took the top finial from the crib and color matched for the perfect paint color. I used Valspar's Pontoon White in a semi-gloss finish.

My sweet husband did all the sanding for me with the power sander. For your FYI it does take a little bit of time to get it all off. And your hand may or may not shake for 30 minutes after you finish. But hey, my hubs is a sweetie and doesn't mind :) 

There was a small place at the back of the dresser that was messed up but a little wood filler took care of it. 

After cleaning the entire dresser like a crazy, nesting pregnant woman, (oh wait, that's what I was) I got to work priming. I decide to paint first before staining since I figured I was more likely to get paint on the top of the piece than to get stain on the paint. Make sense? Probably not. Anyway, moving on. I used my Zinnser oil based primer which does a great job.

These are the three products I used on the base of the dresser.

After sanding and priming.

After the primer dried for 24 hours I went back with the paint. I used Centsational Girl's recommedation for Floetrol (photo up above), which is a paint conditioner that you add to latex paint. It helps give a smoother finish which is great when you hand brush like I did. I was very pleased with it. I also went ahead and bought a good brush (Purdy) and it definitely made a difference. Its worth the extra money.

Here it is after painting two coats and sanding lightly in between each coat. Be sure you wipe it down before applying another coat of paint.

Next was the stain. This was my first time to stain a piece and it was actually very easy! I used a 2 inch foam brush and applied a nice even coat along the top. Then I waited about 20 minutes and removed the excess liquid by wiping it down carefully. I wanted a nice dark stain so that's why I left it on there so long. And that was it!

After the stain was dry I applied two coats of polycrylic to protect the surface and give it a nice sheen.

This is the stain and poly I used. I used the poly on the base of the dresser as well.

Then it was time to focus on the hardware. I liked the look of the original hardware but it was very dull and gross. I washed it all with soap and hot water and then cleaned each piece of it with Brasso to remove the yuckiness and restore it to its original color.

Here is some before and after using the Brasso. Yeah, much better. As you can see from the nasty paper towels, those things had gunk all over them.

And although they looked much better, it still did not have the look I envisioned.

So I decided to go with some ORB (oil-rubbed bronze) spray paint.

Tip: If you need to spray paint small screws, an easy trick is to stick them down in styrofoam so you can cover them easily with paint.

Once everything cured up for a few days I put all the hardware back on and it was moved up to the nursery. 

One more of the Before...

And After!

I was nice and gave you a sneak peek of the nursery. Hopefully I can have finished nursery photos up soon! 

So that's my long tale of refinishing a dresser. It took some time and hard work but I'm glad I was able to do this for her. 

More projects coming soon!

Linking up here!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Making Progress

Hello World. The Mommy in the Nook is back.

Since I last posted back in March we have been busy bees around our new abode. Since our baby girl was due in April we were trying to beat the clock and get things set up around here before our little missy arrived. Then we welcomed our sweet girl on April 19th and house updates changed over to adjusting to life with a toddler and a new infant. She is now 7 1/2 weeks old and I think we have arrived at our new "normal". She fits right in with us and we love her to pieces! We once again picked up on house progress and I wanted to share a few of them. Nothing is completely finished yet but it's much better than the empty house photos in my last post!

I have lots of projects in the works and a lot that are already completed that I will share soon. Hopefully I am back for good this time!

Also, since I personally like to know where things come from when browsing other blogs, I will caption the photos with as much source info as possible.

First up is a little B & A at the front entrance. After we moved in I popped this coat rack in the corner and we just recently added the frame to the wall. Besides needing a picture for the frame I really thought a punch of color would look great on the coat rack.

Coat Rack - TJ Maxx find
Picture frame - Ikea, Virserum collection

And blue was the color of choice! I used a metallic blue by Rustoleum. I can't remember the exact name of the shade. I will try and update the post later with it. Definitely much better, right? And a new picture of our family of four completed the look :)


Remember how our foyer looked before...

And here is our Progress. We added our bombe chest that we previously owned along with a lamp and a few accessories. I want to add something to that wall as well. 

Bombe chest - Alabama Furniture Market
Lamp - Marshall's
ceramic elephant - flea market

Next up is the dining room off of the foyer. Here is how it was when we moved in.

And our Progress. We removed the existing curtains and replaced with the ones we had in our old living room. We also sold our old dining room table so we bought a new one along with an antique buffet. We need chairs and I want to replace the light fixture. The mirror was one we already owned and it was a brown metal with a scroll-ish pattern around the edge. I painted it white and didn't get every crack and crevice so it gave me the distressed look I wanted. The "boat" as I call it, on the table was black and I spray painted it aqua blue. Once again I can't remember the color but I will update the post later with it. 

Curtains and rug - West Elm
Dining Table - IO Metro
Buffet - local antique shop
Lamp - HomeGoods

Up close shot of the table and buffet. The picture frame on the left holds a photo of my grandparents when they were on their honeymoon. I used to keep it on my yellow phone bench in our old house. The bench belonged to them and it's very special to me.

White ceramic owl - Z Gallerie

Our living room is still a work in progress and I have a few more touches to add before I show the whole room. But here's a peek at it!

The Before

And here is the Progress.

Our mantel. I'm so proud of it this because it has been bare until this past weekend. Yeah, almost four months of nekkedness. I had a few things sitting on it but we didn't add the mirror until Sunday. Yay for a decorated mantel!

Mirror & Aqua picture frame - Z Gallerie
Mirrored vase & antique gold picture frame - Marshall's
Birdcage - TJ Maxx
"M" - Hobby Lobby (originally gold but painted aqua)
navy vase - Old Time Pottery (originally rust colored but painted navy)

This is the long wall on the left of the before picture. We really needed something to ground the TV since we mounted it on the wall and this media cabinet was the perfect solution. The hubs desperately wants a bigger TV to balance out the huge cabinet. I see his point but I think it's going to have to wait for now :) I have to find a good solution to hide those cords and we still need to cut a hole in the back of the cabinet so we can fit the cord of the cable box in there and house it in one of the glass cabinets.

Media Cabinet - IO Metro
Picture frames - TJ Maxx & Marhall's
Vase - Hobby Lobby
Blue DVD boxes - Walmart
Aqua box - Z Gallerie
 This last picture is taken to the left of the media cabinet. We have an identical chair on the right of the cabinet as well along with a floor lamp. I love this little corner. We just need something to hang on the wall to complete the look.

Chair & black pattern pillow - Haverty's
Navy pillow cover - Etsy
Side table - Marshall's
Lamp & yellow basket - HomeGoods
That's all for the updates today. I have a few more tweaks in the kids rooms and I will share those soon along with a few more things we have done and plans for the rest of the house. Lots to do around here!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome Home!

And welcome internet connection! No, really. The Charter guy left not 20 minutes ago and I'm already typing up a post. I have wanted to share pictures of our new house for weeks! We closed on the house at the end of February and have officially been staying here for two weeks today. And we are loving it! I'm so glad the majority of the moving business is done but we still have lots to do around here before it starts to feel like "ours".

Despite the chaos of unpacking, we have managed to tackle a few projects already and I will definitely be sharing those soon! Baby Girl will be here in just a few weeks so we are busying ourselves like crazy to get things ready before our sweet gal makes her appearance.

So in an effort to get this post actually up before my little guy awakens from nap, I will cut the chit chat and show the "Before" photos of the house which were taken the day we moved in. More details on what we plan to do in each room to come soon! I apologize in advance for the poor quality in pictures. It was getting dark when I took them so the lighting definitely wasn't at its best.

Our House! Okay, technically this picture of the outside was taken before our closing so it wasn't ours quite yet but the rest are from after closing :)

Oh and can I just say that the previous owners were FANTASTIC. The home was FSBO so we worked directly with them and it was such a pleasure. They even left us oodles of stuff. Some of which you will see in the pictures and I will point them out in later posts as well.
The foyer from the front door

The Dining Room to the right of the foyer

The office to the left of the foyer and front door. 

The living room (the paneling is one of our favorite things!)

The Master Bedroom on the Main Level. We are actually using this room as a playroom and staying upstairs in an extra room until our kids are bigger.

Master Bathroom. Yes, we are still using this bathroom to get ready in. There is a walk-in closet in here as well but no picture.

The kitchen

From the side door entrance off the kitchen

Laundry Room

Half Bath

My Pantry!

Pajama stairs from the kitchen

Landing/nook area at top of stairs

Hallway of upstairs

Our little man's room

Our room

Bonus space off our room

Full bath upstairs

Baby Girl's room

Wow, that was a ton of pictures. I haven't made any of the back porch and backyard which was a huge selling point to us. We absolutely love it out there. Another post on that later, promise! We are super excited about our new home and I can't wait to share our projects as we tackle them one at a time...or maybe a few at a time :) 
Stay tuned!