
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Big Changes!

I know, I know. I said I was going to get better with updating the blog but I'm kind of not to blame now. We SOLD OUR HOUSE! Yep, we said goodbye to our sweet home of five years and moved in with my parents :) We have been searching and searching for a new home since we closed on the house at the beginning of January. We finally made a decision last week and have put a contract on a house that we absolutely love! Lord willing nothing goes wrong with the process, we should close on our house at the end of February - wahoo! This nesting pregnant mama is relieved! Nothing like cramming in a move to a new house two months before giving birth but that's how we roll :)

We are just thankful to be able to have a home to move too. Our poor state was ravaged again by tornadoes last week and this time they were way too close to home. The three surrounding towns of my parents home and our future home were struck and suffered the most damage. My grandmother's house included. Thank goodness they were safe in the basement and only had some minor damage. Most of her neighbors however, weren't as fortunate. It's surreal to see these streets and houses that you have driven by on a daily basis that are now just piles of sticks. The landscaping wiped out. Please pray for those who lost their homes and especially for the families of the 3 individuals who did not survive the storm. I am so proud to be from a community who comes together and volunteers their time and efforts to help out with the storm victims. Everyone works together and truly cares about their neighbors. I love Alabama!

So while I won't have a lot to post about before we move in the house, I have lots of plans and ideas (thank you Pinterest) for our new abode once it's officially ours. Stay tuned!

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